Marie Chavarot's interior

I am pleased to present you one of my recent projects achieved in 2015 for Marie Chavarot's interior in Paris. Marie is creator of Butter In The Shutter, photographer and baker specialized in gourmet workshops and experiences.

    My client wished to solve functonial problems in her apartment while maintaining her refined aesthetics.

      The client's needs:

      • Separating the bedroom from the bathroom,
      • Keeping the evening ambient light but having visual privacy,
      • Hiding away the wall next to the bedroom windows while keeping the flow of natural light.
      Translucent curtains in two different greys with our "fireflies" design in digital cut
      Translucent curtains* in off-white with our "milky way " design in digital cut

      The textile solutions I PRovided for this project:

      Separating the bedroom from the bathroom

      • Acoustic sliding panel in grey felt with my « bubbles» design in digital cut,
      • Plain translucent panels in off-white in order to keep the flow of natural light.

      *Felt, with its waterproof, heat and sound proof qualities is much more durable than other textiles


          Acoustic sliding panel in grey felt with our « bubbles» design in digital cut and plain translucent panels in off-white

          Letting through light but keeping visual privacy

          • Translucent curtains* in two different greys with my "fireflies" design in digital cut 

          *The translucent curtains let in light but they cannot be seen through on either sides.

          Translucent curtains in two different greys with our "fireflies" design in digital cut
          Translucent curtains in two different greys with our "fireflies" design in digital cut
          • Translucent curtains* in off-white with my "milky way " design in digital cut

          *The translucent curtains let in light but they cannot be seen through on either sides.

          Translucent curtains with our "milky way " design in digital cut
          Translucent curtains with our "milky way " design in digital cut

          Photo Credits: Aude Bouquet


          For this project I have used:


          I wish to thank my client, Marie Chavarot, for her trust

          For more informations, visit her Facebook page:

          Or her website:


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