A workplace designed as a cocoon

This co-working area is meant for teams within CFDT (one of France's major unions) who wish to work together for a given laps of time. It is made up of 6 desks and a central space for exchanging ideas.

The concept, the making as well as the use of this area answers some of the current questionings about environmental, social and well being matters at work.


The designers of this micro-scale project, have imagined an ideal working environment where one penetrates a serene and calm room with light colours and a warm atmosphere, leaving the strong contrasts out in the corridors.

The materials used are wood and felt, that embrace each desk like a cocoon providing it with acoustic comfort, privacy, shelves ... One can have at hand all one needs and appreciates within these ergonomics desks.

Private lighting is preferred to a general one, enhancing the role of natural light coming in through the windows during day time.


The ceiling is composed of a suspended wooden structure integrating the technical elements and partially dressed up with felt bands in an irregular and random-like weaving that reveal here and there, the solid ceiling behind it. The flooring is in natural flexible rubber.


Whether one is to work in this area for two hours or two weeks, the ergonomics, acoustic comfort and lightings are designed to offer maximum flexibility in use.    


Optimal use of resources and reducing the carbon impact of the site as well as the quest for quality of air inside the room resulted in the choice of using mostly existing materials onsite. Shelve doors and storage boxes were customized with a thin layer of wood to match the new interior design of the room so enabling the client to keep their existing furniture.

ExtraMuros is the integrative workshop who hand-made the new desks, the ceiling structure as well as the coating of existing storage shelves and boxes, only by reusing waste or scrap wood.

Lily Latifi used her natural felt made of 100% wool for its flexible and acoustic features as well its minimal look. As always, she has allowed the material to express itself naturally and so to fall into bespoke shapes.


Thus the craftsmen/craftswomen where selected not only for their craftsmanship but also for their constructive vision of a better feature.


Design concept : Fair
Wooden furniture : Atelier ExtraMuros
Date : end 2018
Client : CFDT - Paris - France


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