They also provide sound absorption and efficient acoustic comfort to specific areas like reprography or recycling areas, contributing to their signage on site.
My conception of tailor making is far from being limited to the choice of textiles, colors and dimensions. I also adapt the design of each project to safety needs expressed by the clients. For this project, the client wished the panels to be easily removable in case of water damage. Thus, the fitting of the panels follows the rhythm of the suspended ceiling tiles. This helps easy maintenance of the ceiling tiles.
I also bear in mind the fire safety needs of the projects by using materials with required fire specifications. Although felt is intrinsically M2, for this project, I needed to add an extra fire retardant treatment on the surface to make it M1.
I'd like to thank Tétris Design & Build, Kardham and Accenture for their trust.
For this project I have used:
Space dividers in colour felt. These panels provide visual privacy and efficient acoustic comfort to open spaces.
Photos credits: Bernard Taboureau
How to bring acoustic comfort into open spaces?
I was commissioned to produce and install 49 acoustic panels in felt, all tailor-made specially for Accenture's Innovation Center in Paris.
My mission was to bring acoustic comfort and visual privacy to the open-plan spaces.
I worked on 5 different levels of the building, in order to bring wellness to the users.
The panels installed on the gateway are a solution to the needs for privacy of both the offices on the upper floor and the spaces on the lower floor.
This helps the collaborative innovation meetings not to be disturbed by the surrounding traffic and goings on.
Each department has its own colour code that allows it to be easily recognized.
Thanks to the 50 colours available in felt, I was able to match panel colours to those of each different space.
My panels in 100% wool are also excellent as black outs, bringing visual privacy to the workers who's benches are on cross ways subject to frequent disturbances.
They also provide sound absorption and efficient acoustic comfort to specific areas like reprography or recycling areas, contributing to their signage on site.
My conception of tailor making is far from being limited to the choice of textiles, colors and dimensions. I also adapt the design of each project to safety needs expressed by the clients. For this project, the client wished the panels to be easily removable in case of water damage. Thus, the fitting of the panels follows the rhythm of the suspended ceiling tiles. This helps easy maintenance of the ceiling tiles.
I also bear in mind the fire safety needs of the projects by using materials with required fire specifications. Although felt is intrinsically M2, for this project, I needed to add an extra fire retardant treatment on the surface to make it M1.
I'd like to thank Tétris Design & Build, Kardham and Accenture for their trust.
For this project I have used:
Space dividers in colour felt. These panels provide visual privacy and efficient acoustic comfort to open spaces.
Photos credits: Bernard Taboureau